Articles Posted in ADA Compliance and Defense

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02 August 2024

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An offshoot of the well-established Potter Handy firm, The Reddy Law Firm is quickly becoming known for its aggressive pursuit of claims under the California Unruh Civil Rights Act and the California Disabled Persons Act. These lawsuits, often referencing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are primarily filed by serial plaintiffs who challenge businesses on a variety of accessibility issues, from parking and entrances to sales counters. With a growing number of cases being filed, especially in California state courts, it’s crucial for businesses to understand how to effectively respond to and navigate these legal challenges. In the article below, JMBM partner Stuart Tubis explores the key aspects of these lawsuits, provides guidance on how to handle them, and offers insights into the best practices for addressing such claims.

ADA Defense Lawyer: How to Respond to a Lawsuit filed by The Reddy Law Firm for Violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Disabled Persons Act, or ADA


Stuart Tubis, JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group

The Reddy Law Firm LLC is a relatively new law firm that started filing accessibility lawsuits on behalf of various plaintiffs alleging violations of the California Unruh Civil Rights Act and California Disabled Persons Act. Though a relatively new ADA plaintiff’s lawyers, the firm is an offshoot of Potter Handy, from San Diego.  The lawsuits generally reference the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well.

Generally, each of these lawsuits are filed on behalf of one of several serial plaintiffs, who file many similar cases each year. Some serial ADA plaintiffs in California have been known to file hundreds, sometimes thousands of lawsuits each against various businesses.

The Reddy Law Firm has filed Unruh litigation on behalf of these plaintiffs:

  • Meryl Pomponio
  • Orlando Garcia
  • Brian Whitaker

These lawsuits show no signs of stopping. Each lawsuit includes a summons as a cover page informing you that you have been sued and must respond. It also contains the complaint itself, which generally looks something like this: CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

26 July 2024

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This article was originally published on January 16, 2024 on JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Blog.

Marty Orlick, Chair of JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group, was recently interviewed by ABC7 for a news report regarding the impact of serial ADA litigants on small businesses. The segment focused on a group of businesses in Santa Paula, California, who have been hit with lawsuits alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The significant financial penalties imposed by these lawsuits threaten to close already struggling stores and restaurants.

During the segment, Marty discussed the California Unruh Civil Rights Act which requires businesses and public accommodations to provide equal access to their services and facilities. He explained that the Unruh Act “allows a plaintiff to recover $4,000 per occurrence every time they went to a particular business, or every time they thought of going but they realize there were barriers and they couldn’t get served.” The Unruh Act is often abused by serial plaintiffs who file hundreds of lawsuits every year, each claiming thousands of dollars in statutory damages.

These serial lawsuits can be incredibly damaging for businesses and are the antithesis of genuine legal action by advocates trying to make their communities more accessible.

You can watch the full ABC7 news report here.


Published on:

25 July 2024

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In October 2023, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines were updated to version 2.2. These updates introduced new requirements for improving web accessibility, such as focus visibility and alternative input methods. For hospitality business owners, understanding and implementing these changes is crucial for ensuring ADA compliance and providing an inclusive online experience for all guests. In the article below, JMBM partner Stuart Tubis explores the key updates in WCAG 2.2 and their importance for businesses.

WCAG 2.2: Website Accessibility Standards Get an Update –
What Businesses Should Know


Stuart Tubis, JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were recently updated to version 2.2, adding new considerations for businesses seeking to make their websites accessible. As most business have an online presence, there are some critical requirements of WCAG 2.2 that all business owners should know.

The WCAG standards, published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), are often referenced by courts in the US when deciding whether a website complies with the ADA or Unruh Civil Rights Act. The new version WCAG 2.2 adds the following requirements:

  • 2.4.11/2.4.12 Focus Not Obscured: Ensures keyboard focus indicators (such as the blinking cursor or focus box around buttons and links) remain visible despite pop-ups or other content, with a stricter AAA version demanding complete unobscuring. See the example below:ADA-Website
  • 2.4.13 Focus Appearance: Defines technical standards for the keyboard focus indicator outline for low-vision users.
  • 2.5.7 Dragging Movements: Requires alternative ways to complete actions if they involve dragging, except for essential functionality.
  • 2.5.8 Target Size: Provides minimum size requirements for clickable elements like buttons and links.
  • 3.2.6 Consistent Help: Ensures help functionalities (e.g., company contact details or self-help option) remain in the same place across all pages for screen reader users.
  • 3.3.7 Redundant Entry: Auto-populates or allows re-selection of previously entered information to aid users with cognitive or memory disabilities.
  • 3.3.8/3.3.9 Accessible Authentication: Prohibits cognitive function tests during authentication, with the AAA version removing more exceptions.

Many in the business community are concerned that adding more criteria raises the difficulty for entities already striving to comply with earlier versions. Many disabled advocates maintain that the higher standards help users navigate websites with pop ups and hard-to-navigate organization. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

25 February 2024

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Last year, JMBM secured a legal victory for our client Zarco Hotels after they were accused of ADA violations by a serial plaintiff. Our strategic approach led to a dismissal of the claims and compensation awarded for legal fees. In the article below, JMBM partner Stuart Tubis examines the case details and outlines the practical steps businesses can take to defend themselves against meritless lawsuits.

JMBM wins second ADA lawsuit for Zarco Hotels,
bringing total defense awards to $113K


Stuart Tubis, JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group

Recently, JMBM reported that it successfully defended a website accessibility lawsuit on behalf of its client Zarco Hotels, against serial plaintiff Traci Morgan. In that case, the court awarded Zarco Hotels $55,414.84 in compensation for its attorneys’ fees and costs.

JMBM and Zarco Hotels have prevailed again. On July 11, 2023, a different court awarded Zarco Hotels attorneys’ fees and costs related to a separate ADA lawsuit regarding hotel reservations.

Garcia v. Zarco Hotels, Inc., Case No. 21STCV00023 (Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles) involved claims by serial plaintiff Orlando Garcia, who has filed hundreds of similar lawsuits against businesses in California. The same law firm, Potter Handy, LLP (AKA Center for Disability Access) represented Morgan and Garcia in both cases.

Garcia alleged that the Hollywood Hotel’s reservation requirements did not comply with the ADA because the website did not provide enough information about the physical accessibility features of the hotel. See our article on this issue here: ADA Requires Hotels To Describe Accessibility Features On Website.

However, Garcia failed to recognize that the Hollywood Hotel’s website and reservation system exceed compliance with the ADA; JMBM’s ADA Compliance and Defense team, led by Stuart K. Tubis, Esq. and Martin Orlick Esq. showed that it provides more information than the law requires about ADA accommodations at the hotel. Still, Garcia refused to dismiss the lawsuit, despite evidence showing that the claims lacked merit.

In our practice, we find that ADA plaintiffs will often press forward with lawsuits, even when they lack merit. This is likely because many defendants find it easier to settle the case and pay the plaintiff rather than defend themselves in court.

Zarco Hotels was not intimidated, and filed its motion for summary judgment on July 15, 2022. Facing a losing battle, Garcia finally dismissed the lawsuit on October 6, 2022. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

18 February 2024

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A recent spate of lawsuits from plaintiffs represented by Pacific Trial Attorneys has highlighted the need for businesses to ensure ADA compliance. In the below article, JMBM partner Stuart Tubis discusses the importance of website compliance, and how best to defend your business if there is liability.

Has Your Business Been Sued by Pacific Trial Attorneys or These Plaintiffs?
How to Defend These Unruh Civil Rights Act Lawsuits


Stuart Tubis, JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group

Pacific Trial Attorneys, as legal counsel, have filed hundreds of lawsuits for alleged violations of the California Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Civil Code § 51 et seq. and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Based in Newport Beach, CA, Pacific Trial Attorneys is a law firm representing plaintiffs in a large number of accessibility lawsuits against businesses, often focused on website issues.

Generally, these lawsuits are filed by serial plaintiffs through their attorneys. Serial plaintiffs file numerous (sometimes hundreds) of lawsuits, often similar in nature. Pacific Trial Attorneys has historically filed such litigation on behalf of one of these plaintiffs:

  • Cheryl Thurston
  • Brittany Mejico
  • Dominick Martin
  • Rusty Rendon
  • Luis Licea
  • Isabel Rendon
  • Drew Hunthausen
  • Walter Mitchell
  • Anita Ogletree

These lawsuit show no signs of stopping. Each lawsuit includes a summons as a cover page informing you that you have been sued and requiring a response. Next is the complaint itself, which generally looks something like this: CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

30 October 2023

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Many hotel owners already know they need to pay attention to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, both to provide a positive experience for guests and to avoid costly litigation. A proposed new California law, however, should bring their focus to website accessibility; if adopted, business owners, as well as their web developers, would be vulnerable to substantial statutory damages and attorney’s fee if sued by a plaintiff who succeeds in court.

JMBM’s ADA Compliance and Defense Team outlines the potential impact of this law, below.



New California Website Accessibility Bill
Would Expose Your Business to ADA and Unruh Act Liability

by Martin Orlick, Stuart Tubis, and Christopher Whang
JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group


Recently, the California Assembly quietly instituted a bill that would dramatically change the landscape of ADA website litigation. If you think the recent wave of ADA website lawsuits has been alarming, buckle up – because you haven’t seen anything yet.

The Assembly re-drafted an existing bill, AB1757, which if passed would include the adoption of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) 2.1 into California’s disabled access law. AB1757 specifically would give plaintiffs the right to sue businesses if their website fails to meet those guidelines, which are not yet part of Federal accessibility law. Additionally and perhaps more alarming, if passed into law, the legislation would give ADA plaintiffs a direct claim to sue you and your web developers.

A plaintiff who prevails under AB1757 will be entitled to collect all damages, including but not limited to, statutory damages of $4,000 every time a person who is blind, low visioned or cognitively disabled visited your website or was deterred from visiting the website, as well as attorney’s fees resulting from the lawsuit.

To whom would AB1757 apply?

If passed, AB1757 would apply to all public businesses that own or operate a website for the sale of goods and services. AB1757 also would apply to “resource service providers,” or website developers, who operate, maintain, and/or build websites for public accommodations. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

15 May 2023

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The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) is an important piece of legislation guaranteeing equal access to public facilities to the nearly 60 million people with disabilities in the US today. Stuart Tubis, a partner in JMBM’s ADA Compliance and Defense practice, recently presented on why accessibility legislation is something all business owners should be aware of, and how many lawsuits have shifted focus to online spaces instead of brick-and-mortar locations.

Hotels in particular must be familiar with the requirements of the ADA in order to accommodate the needs of disabled guests on their properties. Unlike building codes or other laws governing public spaces, the ADA is enforced by lawsuits brought by individuals who feel their access to a public business or building is not adequate or equal.

Accessibility lawsuits have risen significantly over the last 10 years:

A graph showing the rise in number of ADA Title III Fenderal Lawsuits filed each year since 2013

Remedies for noncompliance can be significant, including court orders to remove barriers, attorneys’ fees to prevailing plaintiffs, and, in California, statutory damages of $4,000 per visit.

Website accessibility lawsuits have risen steadily in the last few years; these are suits alleging that a business’ website does not comply with ADA guidelines for disabled users. Courts have interpreted the ADA as requiring accessibility online, but as of yet there are no official standards.

A chart showing the rise in website accessibility litigation from 2017 to 2022

Hotels depend on their online presence to drive reservations, and should be sure their websites are compliant – both to accommodate disabled guests and to avoid becoming a target of litigation. Stuart’s full presentation is available for download here.

Stuart K. TubisStuart K. Tubis is a partner attorney at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP and a member of JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group. Stu counsels businesses and landlords on the full spectrum of ADA compliance issues and represents their interests in litigation and Department of Justice investigations. He has a background in technology, which helps in resolving the growing area of website accessibility issues. Contact Stuart K. Tubis at 415.984.9622 or


Picture of Jim ButlerThis is Jim Butler, author of and founding partner of JMBM and JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group®. We provide business and legal advice to hotel owners, developers, independent operators and investors. This advice covers critical hotel issues such as hotel purchase, sale, development, financing, franchise, management, ADA, and IP matters. We also have compelling experience in hotel litigation, union avoidance and union negotiations, and cybersecurity & data privacy.

JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® has been involved in more than $125 billion of hotel transactions and more than 4,700 hotel properties located around the globe. Contact me at +1-310-201-3526 or to discuss how we can help.

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Published on:

2 May 2022

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The Department of Justice recently released a set of guidelines reconfirming that the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to website accessibility. In order to avoid legal action, it is crucial for hotel owners to understand what they can do to ensure compliance with ADA regulations.

Stuart Tubis of JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group outlines the new guidance below.

DOJ Issues Guidance On Website Accessibility

Stuart Tubis, JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group

Recently on March 18, 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a “Web Accessibility Guidance” statement for state and local governments and public accommodations (including businesses) under Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

A copy of the Guidance document can be found here.

In the Guidance, the DOJ clarifies once again that the ADA applies to websites: “the Department’s longstanding interpretation of the general nondiscrimination and effective communication provisions applies to web accessibility.”

The Guidance also provides some examples of website accessibility barriers, including poor color contrast, lack of text alternatives for images, lack of labels for forms, and mouse-only navigation design. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

29 March 2022

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.
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Many hotels have opted to include Electric Vehicle Charging Stations as an amenity for guests as the cars become more and more common. And while hotels may be very aware how the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to their property, are they considering the requirements for disabled guests at these charging stations?

My partner Martin Orlick, Chair of JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group, describes some of the issues that hotels and operators of electric vehicle charging stations should be aware of to maintain compliance with the ADA.

How Will ADA Guidelines Impact Public
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?

Martin Orlick, Chair, JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group

You’re about to see a lot more Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) on your daily drive. Within months of taking office, the Biden Administration announced an initiative to build half a million new charging stations across the country. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs act, which passed in November 2021, includes $7.5 billion towards this goal; the Administration’s signature domestic policy bill, the Build Back Better act, also includes funding to promote electric vehicles and expand the public charging network. California’s governor is promoting an ambitious plan of 500,000 electric vehicles on the state’s road in five years.

This is exciting news for the owners, operators and designers of EVCSs, and a welcome boost for a rapidly growing industry. What many companies are not considering, however, are the needs of the disabled drivers who will need to be able to access their electric vehicle charging stations.


Published on:

19 January 2022

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.
Click here for the latest articles on ADA Compliance and Defense.

Serial ADA litigants are continuing to face challenges in the courts as dozens of cases alleging a failure to include accessibility information on hotel websites are being dismissed. Martin Orlick, Chair of JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group, describes one such case faced by a JMBM client below. This successful outcome is good news for hotels worried about Reservation Rules lawsuits.

Serial Plaintiff’s “Reservation Rule” Lawsuit Against California Hotel Dismissed

Martin Orlick, Chair, JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group

In another blow to serial ADA litigation against hotels, a judge in the Northern District of California has issued an opinion dismissing the case against JMBM client OCI, which owns and operates a Comfort Inn & Suites near the San Francisco International Airport.

Brian Whitaker, who has filed nearly 2,000 ADA lawsuits in the last two years, claimed that OCI failed to include enough detail in its online description of accessible features, violating the ADA’s “Reservation Rule.” JMBM filed a motion to dismiss on behalf of OCI, which was granted on January 6, 2022. This is the second Reservation Rule cases dismissed by this judge. The opinion is available here.

The Reservation Rule refers to ADA guidelines requiring that hotels include information about accessible rooms and features on their website, so that guests know before booking if they are able to safely and comfortably stay at the property. A hotel may be ADA compliant if it includes either a bathtub or roll-in shower, for example, but some guests may need to know which option is provided in order to determine if the room meets their needs. CONTINUE READING →

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