
Published on:

6 October 2011

My partner, labor and employment lawyer Scott Brink, has informed us that the California Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral argument in a high-profile labor law case, Brinker Restaurant v. Superior Court, on November 8, 2011. He believes it is likely we will see a decision within the following 90 days.

The outcome could curb a wave of class action lawsuits in California — or provide the fuel for more of them.

At issue in the case is whether California employers must ensure that their employees actually take their meal and rest periods or merely make them available. Here is Scott’s update.


Published on:

20 September 2011

On September 10 2011 , we let you know that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is making it harder to stay union free.

As of November 14, 2011, most private sector employers are required, by a controversial new National Labor Relations Board rule, to post a notice advising employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act.

Now, according to my partner, labor and employment lawyer Scott Brink, the NLRB’s authority to issue the new rule is already the subject of legal challenge.

Because NLRB enforcement of the new rule may be delayed — pending the resolution of a lawsuit challenging the validity of the rule — employers should not rush to post the notice before the November 14, 2011 deadline.

Scott’s brief article below explains what is going on and why you need to pay attention to this important development.

A link to the NLRB’s Form of Notice, which was issued September 14, 2011, may be found at the end of the article.


Published on:

10 September 2011

A highly controversial new law, which many employers believe will unfairly foster union organizing, requires that employers post notices of employee rights — including the right to organize, join or discuss the activities of a union. The law goes into effect on November 14, 2011.

Employers must comply with the new rule whether they have a unionized work force or not.

My partner, labor and employment lawyer Scott Brink, has outlined in his article below the requirements the new rule imposes on employers.

Scott and the labor and employment lawyers of JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® have represented the hospitality industry in all aspects of labor and employment law including union prevention, collective bargaining negotiations, and defense of unfair labor practice charges before the NLRB. If you have questions about how this new rule will impact your hotel business, we can help.


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Author of 17 April 2007
Hotel Lawyer with landmark labor and employment decision from the California Supreme Court on wage and hour issues. Wage and hour claims are serious matters for employers, because they typically involve class actions with lots of current (and former employees), and the claims can cover a long period of time. They are also particularly bad for the hospitality industry because so many employees are nominally “exempt” employees–managers or assistant managers–by their titles, but not under California legal standards. (See prior postings on under the Topic of “Labor & Employment” such as New law on who is a “supervisor” can even the playing field for employers a bit.)


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