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This is Jim Butler, author of www.HotelLawBlog.com and hotel lawyer. Please contact me at Jim Butler at jbutler@jmbm.com or 310.201.3526.

Published on:

16 August 2011

Hotel Lawyer with what it all means: Family Suites Resorts v. Viacom International d/b/a MTV Networks — a suit over branding

I was recently interviewed by Jason Freed of HotelNewsNow (a division of Smith Travel Research) about three high profile lawsuits in the hospitality industry.

In the third and final lawsuit we discussed, Family Suites Resorts v. Viacom International d/b/a MTV Networks, we discussed the Family Suites lawsuit. Family suites operates a Nickelodeon-themed hotel, and claims its licensing rights were breached when Viacom entered into an agreement with Marriott to franchise the Nickelodeon brand.

According to the complaint, Family Suites Resorts spent $168 million on its Nickelodeon-themed property — money it would not have spent if guests could get the Nickelodeon hotel experience elsewhere. So what happened?

An industry built on intellectual property.

As Jason quotes me as saying in the article: “This is an industry that relies on intellectual property–that’s what brands are.” See, The 5 questions every owner should ask before selecting a hotel brand.


Published on:

15 August 2011

Hotel Lawyer on brokers, agents fiduciary duty and charges of trust betrayed as laid out in the high-profile lawsuit of Host Hotels & Resorts against Robert T. Koger (personally) and his brokerage firm Molinaro Koger, Inc.

I was recently interviewed by Jason Freed of HotelNewsNow (a division of Smith Travel Research) about three high profile lawsuits in the hospitality industry. One of these cases was Host Hotels & Resorts v. Robert T. Koger. In this litigation, Host Hotels & Resorts sued a number of defendants, including Rob Koger and his firm, Molinaro Koger, for breach of fiduciary duties, breach of contract, fraud and other serious claims.

Lawsuits between sellers and brokers are not particularly common in the hospitality industry. And lawsuits alleging fraud are even less common.

One of the reasons I enjoy working in the hospitality industry is the optimism, openness and collegiality that exists throughout the hospitality community. Developers, owners, operators, lenders, brokers, lawyers, consultants, advisors, trade media — we all depend upon each other. Although I am a rigorous advocate for my client’s position in negotiations, there is an understanding, including with those on the “other side”, that we are working together for the success of making the deal or completing the project.


Published on:

07 August 2011

Hotel Lawyer with what it all means: The M Waikiki’s lawsuit seeking to terminate Marriott as its hotel operator for the Edition Waikiki, in Honolulu.

I was recently interviewed by Jason Freed of HotelNewsNow (a division of Smith Travel Research) about three high profile lawsuits in the hospitality industry.

The first case we discussed was the recent lawsuit filed by the owner of the 353-room Edition Waikiki against Marriott and Ian Schrager. As the hotel’s owner, M Waikiki LLC asked the New York Supreme Court to terminate its 50-year, no-cut hotel management agreement (HMA) with Marriott on its $250 million Honolulu hotel and to award damages for misrepresentation and breach of contract.

This lawsuit raises issues we have covered extensively in the HMA Handbook and in many articles under the Topic of Hotel Management Agreements on www.HotelLawBlog.com, See, for example, “Hotel management agreement terminations — Is there a better way?.”

This is an interesting lawsuit, so first let’s look at the background facts and then let’s see what the claims and the implications are.

For a response from Marriott, please see “Hotel Lawyer with more on M Waikiki Edition lawsuit against Marriott – What Marriott’s General Counsel says.”

Click here to download a copy of the complaint.


Published on:

4 August 2011

Hotel Investment: Why Asian investors are targeting U.S. hotels for purchase and investment, and what could it mean for you?

This week I was interviewed by several media sources to talk about the explosion of Asian investment – and particularly Chinese investment – in U.S. hotels and real estate. Nadja Brandt at Bloomberg News was kind enough to quote me in one of her articles on the subject, and Gigi Stone, Bloomberg TV anchor, had me in the Bloomberg TV studios for a brief interview and even briefer video clip! (Yes, Mom, it’s long enough that you can tell it’s me and she does say nice things about our Global Hospitality Group®). Bloomberg TV also made a point of highlighting JMBM’s Chinese Investment Group® which was recently announced.

The Chinese Investment Group™ . . . provides a gateway for Chinese investment in the United States.

Nadja Brandt’s article (Asian Buyers Target U.S. Hotels as Affluence Increases Travel), discusses the just-completed iconic purchase by Hong Kong billionaire Cheng Yu-tung of 5 luxury hotel properties, including the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan, and Rosewood properties including The Mansion on Turtle Creek and The Crescent in Dallas, The Inn of the Anasazi in Santa Fe, and Little Dix Bay in the British Virgin Islands.

The Cheng family also owns the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills and once owned a stake in the Four Seasons Hotel in New York.

Bloomberg TV also made a point of highlighting JMBM’s Chinese Investment Group®

Bloomberg’s coverage of Chinese (and broader Asian) investment in the U.S. has really been top drawer, so if you are interested in this subject you will want to follow it. And if you want to go beyond the Bloomberg article, read on about why Asian investment is focused on US hotels.


Published on:

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Formation of the Chinese Investment Group®

Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) has announced the formation of the JMBM Chinese Investment Group® to provide legal and business advice for the specialized needs of Chinese investors and Chinese investment in the United States for hotel, real estate, EB-5 and other U.S. investments. We have a dedicated team with great experience for this kind of work.

Here is more information about how this development might help you. Click here to download a PDF of this announcement about the Chinese Investment Group®.


Published on:

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Click here for English / 英文版

Click here for Simplified Chinese / 简体中文

華人酒店和房地產投資法律顧問團隊™ 是美國傑美百明律師所 JMBM Global Hospitality Group® 中一支致力於酒店和高端房地產專案的專業律師團隊。多年來,律師團隊為華人在美國的投資保駕護航,提供最優質的法律服務。我們律師所已經為客戶累計成交了總額高達870億美元的酒店業務,涉及全球範圍內3900處酒店。我們幫助華人投資者識別、分析、評估酒店和高端房地產機遇。同時,我們也可以為投資者尋求融資管道。我們鄭重承諾:為了保證我們的獨立性,我們絕不從任何開發商收取中間人傭金、獎勵費。

知名 客戶和酒店
美國傑美百明律師所( JMBM ) 與很多知名客戶擁有悠久的合作歷史,例如 Regent Hospitality Group 、 特朗普公司、 迪士尼度假俱樂部、 Hillwood Development (Ross Perot, Jr.) 、美高梅金殿夢幻、達拉斯之城。

我們的銀行客戶包括 中國工商銀行、滙豐銀行、富國銀行、華美銀行、遠東國民銀行、德國北方銀行、瑞典銀行、加利福尼亞聯合銀行。

JMBM也在全球範圍內代表很多酒店開發商和業主,包括美國 W Hotels 以及 麗思卡爾頓(Ritz-Carlton)混合使用專案的最大的開發商和業主。

在過去的 20多年中,我們律師團隊專注于服務酒店業主、投資方、開發方和貸款方。我們經常與主要酒店品牌合作。這其中包括 萬豪、希爾頓、喜來登 等60個品牌。其中不乏高端酒店,例如:四季酒店、東方文華酒店、費爾蒙、麗嘉、麗晶、萬麗、洲際大酒店。

華人投資和 EB-5投資移民簽證專案


深圳市新世界集團有限公司收購 喜來登環球酒店

華人投資者投資 W好萊塢酒店(包括特色夜店和Delphine高檔餐館)
















我們為尋求 EB-5融資的客戶提供以下服務







涉及向 EB-5投資人出售有限合夥利益企業的聯邦證券法




華人酒店和房地產投資法律顧問集團 ™律師
我們律師所的鄧威律師可以講漢語。 華人酒店和房地產投資法律顧問集團™的律師及其聯繫資訊如下:

姓名 電子郵件信箱 專線
Mark S. Adams MarkAdams@jmbm.com +1 (949) 623-7230
Robert E. Braun RBraun@jmbm.com +1 (310) 785-5331
Jim Butler JButler@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3526
Wei Deng WDeng@jmbm.com +1 (310) 785-5371
Guy Maisnik MGM@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3588
Ben Reznik BMR@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3572
David A. Sudeck DSudeck@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3518

關於美國傑美百明律師所( JMBM )

美國傑美百明律師所 ( JMBM ) 為您提供最高品質的法律服務。詳細資訊請參考www.jmbm.com

關於 JMBM Global Hospitality Group®

JMBM Global Hospitality Group® 已經為客戶累計成交了總額高達 870億美元的酒店業務,涉及全球範圍內3900處酒店。歡迎訪問www.HotelLawBlog.com或聯繫全球頂尖酒店律師Jim Butler ,電話 +1 (310) 201-3526 電子郵件jbutler@jmbm.com。


Published on:

This document is in Simplified Chinese
Click here for English / 英文版

Click here for Traditional Chinese /繁體中文

华人酒店和房地产投资法律顾问团队™ 是美国杰美百明律师所JMBM Global Hospitality Group® 中一支致力于酒店和高端房地产项目的专业律师团队。多年来,律师团队为华人在美国的投资保驾护航,提供最优质的法律服务。我们律师所已经为客户累计成交了总额高达870亿美元的酒店业务,涉及全球范围内3900处酒店。我们帮助华人投资者识别、分析、评估酒店和高端房地产机遇。同时,我们也可以为投资者寻求融资渠道。我们郑重承诺:为了保证我们的独立性,我们绝不从任何开发商收取中间人佣金、奖励费。

美国杰美百明律师所(JMBM很多知名客户悠久的合作历史,例如Regent Hospitality Group特朗普公司、迪士尼度假俱乐部、Hillwood Development (Ross Perot, Jr.)、美高梅金殿梦幻、达拉斯之城。

我们的银行客户包括 中国工商银行、汇丰银行、富国银行、华美银行、远东国民银行、德国北方银行、瑞典银行、加利福尼亚联合银行。

JMBM也在全球范围内代表很多酒店开发商和业主,包括美国W Hotels 以及 丽思卡尔顿Ritz-Carlton混合使用项目的最大的开发商和业主。

在过去的20多年中,我们律师团队专注于服务酒店业主、投资方、开发方和贷款方。我们经常与主要酒店品牌合作。这其中包括 万豪、希尔顿、喜来登 等60个品牌。其中不乏高端酒店,例如:四季酒店、东方文华酒店、费尔蒙、丽嘉、丽晶、万丽、洲际大酒店。


  • 晶华国际酒店(一家位于台湾的股份有限公司)收购丽晶大酒店(收购包括其全球范围内的品牌权和在亚洲、欧洲、中东和加勒比的酒店管理协议)

  • 深圳市新世界集团有限公司收购 喜来登环球酒店

  • 华人投资者投资W好莱坞酒店(包括特色夜店和Delphine 高档餐馆)


  • 发现和评估酒店和高端房地产的投资商机

  • 尽职调查

  • 买卖交易的洽谈

  • 债务和股权融资

  • 获得政府批准和许可

  • 税务规划


  • 商务合同和租赁协议的起草与审阅

  • 雇佣和劳动力事宜

  • 法律和税务事宜


  • 帮您联系高端酒店品牌(万豪国际、希尔顿、喜达屋、洲际酒店、凯悦、丽晶、半岛、四季酒店等等)

  • 帮您取得市场最佳的合同条款(例如酒店冠名权和管理协议)

  • 融资来源、施工经理人、运营者、品牌和专业顾问


  • EB-5项目实行可能性和尽职调查

  • 政府奖励,例如:新市场抵免所得税、再开发代理集资

  • EB-5区域中心

  • 确定目标雇佣区域

  • 创业要求

  • 确保州和当地政府对项目的支持

  • 涉及向EB-5投资人出售有限合伙利益企业的联邦证券法

  • EB-5投资项目的结构化事宜

  • EB-5投资项目市场合同的协商

  • EB-5贷方和其他贷方之间贷款(以及中间债权人协议)

华人酒店和房地产投资法律顾问集团™ 律师
我们律师所的邓威律师可以讲汉语。华人酒店和房地产投资法律顾问集团™ 的律师及其联系信息如下:


姓名 电子邮件 电话
Mark S. Adams MarkAdams@jmbm.com +1 (949) 623-7230
Robert E. Braun RBraun@jmbm.com +1 (310) 785-5331
Jim Butler JButler@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3526
Wei Deng WDeng@jmbm.com +1 (310) 785-5371
Guy Maisnik MGM@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3588
Ben Reznik BMR@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3572
David A. Sudeck DSudeck@jmbm.com +1 (310) 201-3518



关于JMBM Global Hospitality Group®

JMBM Global Hospitality Group® 已经为客户累计成交了总额高达870亿美元的酒店业务,涉及全球范围内3900处酒店。欢迎访问www.HotelLawBlog.com联系全球顶尖酒店律师Jim Butler,电话+1 (310) 201-3526 电子邮件jbutler@jmbm.com


Published on:

05 June 2011

Flying en route from LA to New York for the NYU Hospitality Industry Investment Conference yesterday, I exchanged some emails with Michael Murray of the Mortgage Bankers Association. (I am a big fan of wi-fi on aircraft — no more downtime on those long flights!) He wanted my take on what’s ahead for the hotel industry and asked me the kind of questions that bankers ask — the ones that help you gauge risk and reward.

I told Mike that my view, whether cruising at 35,000 feet or with feet planted firmly on the ground, is clear: sunny skies ahead, with occasional clouds (and light showers), but no storms on the horizon as far as we can see.

Hotel industry fundamentals are improving, there is little new supply and there is virtually unlimited equity on the sidelines. Hotel values increased 10% to 15% in 2010 and prices are trending upward.

Here is how I see it now. I will let you know if anything I hear at NYU in the next couple days changes my view …


Published on:

01 June 2011

Debt is returning, equity is out looking, and we’ve passed the bottom of the trough. Why now is the time to purchase a hotel.

We promised to let you know when Hotel Business® published its coverage of its 2011 Executive Roundtable–Capital Ideas: Financing Solutions For Opportunistic Dealmakers that took place on May 2, 2011 in Los Angeles prior to Meet the Money®. The current issue of Hotel Business® just hit my mail box and the articles covering the Executive Roundtable and Meet the Money® provide some thoughtful reading.

If you do not know why now is the time to invest in a hotel, you will want to read these articles!


Published on:

23 May 2011

Click here for the latest articles on ADA Compliance and Defense.

ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: ADA reservation system requirements

As we have reported in the Hotel Law Blog, the US Department of Justice has revised the regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the first time in nearly 20 years. While the revisions to the ADA Regulations include broad changes in many areas, today’s blog focuses on the changes to Reservation Policies.

JMBM hotel and timeshare lawyer, David Sudeck informs us that the Department of Justice has received so many complaints concerning failed reservations, that the DOJ felt it necessary to include the changes to the law. Most of the complaints involve individuals who have reserved an accessible hotel room only to find upon check-in that the room they reserved was either not available or not accessible.

The changes to the reservation policies will go into effect on March 15, 2012 to allow properties time to comply with the new requirements. To understand the requirements, read on.


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