Articles Posted in Hotel Development

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28 May 2008
Hospitality lawyer on the real world cost of going green. “Cost” is the first and biggest excuse developers give for not getting LEED certification or beyond. Yet here is an actual case study of a real world project where the client actually saved several million dollars by building to the LEED Platinum standard! In this case, the magnitude of the savings was enhanced by special credits and incentives available from the State of Oregon, but Kip Richardson says there would still have been net savings of over $1 million without Oregon’s special benefits.

How can this be? Why wouldn’t everyone build a high performance LEED-certified building if they could save money? Is this just a matter of education or of dispelling old myths left over from first generation technologies now surpassed by second and third generation technologies? Here are some insights from a true leader in the field: Kip Richardson, Director of Business Development, Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects. Kip can be reached at (503) 892-7138 or


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27 May 2008
Hospitality Lawyer on green hotel development. We have a rich library of articles on green hotel development here at (Just go to the blog, search down the right hand side for “Topics” and then click on “Green Hotels.”). But as we now publish the DVDs from our recent conference on green hotels — which are free to all conference attendees — we thought many of our readers would like to see the major PowerPoint presentations from our high-powered speakers, so we have published them here for your benefit. You will not want to miss this series of important presentations!

Here is the complete presentation at The Hotel Developers Conference from Lynn. N. Simon, AIA, LEED AP, President, Simon & Associates, Inc. based in San Francisco, California. She has more than 18 years of experience in green building and helps clients attain LEED certification and sustainability. A California-licensed architect, Lynn has served on the Board of Directors of several building industry organizations, including the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for six years. She is a LEED® Faculty member, a LEED® Accredited Professional, and a Certified Green Building Professional. Lynn can be reached at 415-908-3757 or


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25 May 2008
Going “Beyond LEED” in green hotel development. What do hospitality attorneys know about green hotel development, much less going “Beyond LEED”? Here at we have a rich library of articles on green hotel development. (Just go to the blog, search down the right hand side for “Topics” and then click on “Green Hotels.”). But as we now publish the DVDs from our recent conference on green hotels — which are free to all conference attendees — we thought many of our readers would like to see the major PowerPoint presentations from our high-powered speakers, so we have published them here for your benefit. You will not want to miss this series of important presentations!

Here is the full presentation from The Hotel Developers Conference 2008 of Kip Richardson, Director of Business Development, Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects — WITH speaker notes. Kip is truly one of our “go-to” resources for green hotel development. His presentation talks about LEED — the de facto green standard, but then goes beyond those standards into an exciting exciting new arena of Sustainable Design including current successes and development on mimicking nature. Kip Richardson, Director of Business Development, Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects. Kip can be reached at (503) 892-7138 or


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21 May 2008
Hospitality Lawyer on green hotel development. Here at, we have a rich library of articles on green hotel development. (Just go to the blog, search down the right hand side for “Topics” and then click on “Green Hotels.”). But as we now publish the DVDs from our recent conference on green hotels — which are free to all conference attendees — we thought many of our readers would like to see the major PowerPoint presentations from our high-powered speakers, so we have published them here for your benefit. You will not want to miss this series of important presentations! Here is Stefan Mühle’s slideshow on two successful case studies of developing and converting LEED-certified hotels.


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20 May 2008
Hospitality Lawyer on green hotel development. Here at, we have a rich library of articles on green hotel development. (Just go to the blog, search down the right hand side for “Topics” and then click on “Green Hotels.”). But as we now publish the DVDs from our recent conference on green hotels — which are free to all conference attendees — we thought many of our readers would like to see the major PowerPoint presentations from our high-powered speakers, so we have published them for your benefit, or will publish them here shortly. You will not want to miss this series of important presentations! Here is Howard Wolff’s slide show on Demystifying LEED.


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19 May 2008
Hospitality lawyer with ENERGY STAR and other green hotel resources from the EPA. At the recent Hotel Developers Conference presented by JMBM’s hotel lawyers, there were many valuable presentations. (See the rich library of articles on green hotel development here at (Just go to the blog, search down the right hand side for “Topics” and then click on “Green Hotels.”).

The EPA wants to bring its ENERGY STAR resources to the hotel industry and offers a number of ways to partner for energy savings. Stuart Brodsky, gave all the delegates attending JMBM’s recent annual Hotel Developers Conference a lot of great resource materials that demonstrate the environmental and financial value of energy efficiency in new construction and existing buildings. Here they are for your library.


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1 April 2008
Hotel Lawyer on The Hotel Developers Conference™ 2008. Here at and in our everyday practice, the hotel lawyers at JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® are always exploring the cutting edge. Annually, at The Hotel Developers Conference™, the Group’s hotel attorneys bring together the leading experts to illuminate the hottest topics concerning hotel development.

In recent years, the hot subject was condo hotels, and then hotel mixed-use, but this year the entire conference was devoted to GREEN hotel development, construction, rehab and operation. This was a “Gen 2” conference — moving beyond the basics and into the practical guidance and war stories from the veterans in the trenches.

The Hotel Developers Conference™ even had a great panel on the unique aspects of financing and underwriting the green hotel premium, but of course hotel finance — green or otherwise — is the entire subject of JMBM’s industrial strength event.

In any event, here is the scoop on the great panels of the second day from The Hotel Developers Conference™ the 2008 annual edition — Rule #1, “Living” buildings, financing the green premium, and more . . .


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17 March 2008
Green hotel lawyer at the UNLV-JMBM Hotel Developers Conference™ 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada. In my last posting on, I talked about the keynote address given by Dan Esty at this conference on GREEN hotel development, rehab and operation. Dan Esty is a Yale professor and environmental consultant to businesses including the Fortune 1000. He is also one of the most relevant, practical and influential geniuses observing and guiding businesses in coping with and profiting from greener and more sustainable behavior. If you have not read his seminal Green to Gold, you should do yourself a favor and go to and get a copy right away. It certainly changed my perspective on things. (see Green Hotel Development Lawyer: UNLV-JMBM Hotel Developers Conference 2008)

But the green hotel development conference was also the stage for a 5-star line up of some of the most advanced thinkers and prestigious leaders at the intersection of hospitality, development, architecture, design, engineering and sustainability. They included the thought leaders and battle-scarred veterans from the trenches working on already-successful and still-pending green hotel development projects who raised many thought-provoking, controversial, and often troublesome, challenges to our conventional thinking and business-as-usual approaches. It seemed clear to me that the sea change has occurred. It is only a question of when our boats rise or fall with tide.

Who was there? What did they say? Why was it so important? Well, here are some more of the details and my take on this whole “green hotel development thing” . . .


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16 March 2008
Las Vegas Hotel Developers Conference. For the hundreds of hotel developers, operators, builders, vendors and consultants that flew into Las Vegas to attend the UNLV-JMBM Hotel Developers Conference™, it was hard to miss the half-dozen towers pushing up from the desert floor that mark MGM Mirage CityCenter™.

Learning how (and why) this $8 billion construction effort — the largest privately constructed building effort in North America — is building “green” into every facet of the project was just one of the highlights of the first day’s program at the UNLV-JMBM Hotel Developers Conference™ on Green Hotels. To see the growing library of green hotel resources listed in go to Green Hotel Lawyer: ULI’s Urban Land article on Greening Hotels.)

Here are some more details


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Author of
16 March 2008
Green Hotel Lawyer: The compelling economic case for building, developing and converting green hotels. This is not about the “soft stuff” of why green is right (it is, but that is a different discussion), it is much more pragmatic.

Starting shortly after JMBM’s annual Hotel Developers Conference 2007, when JMBM had a great panel of green hotel experts, has covered the compelling hard economics of green hotels. For example, go to and see Hotel Lawyer on the “real economics” behind the paradigm shift to GREEN hotels.

But the library of great resource materials on how to develop, convert and operate green hotels continues to grow. ULI has just published Jim Butler’s latest article on the hard economics of greening hotels. Here is the latest. . .


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