Articles Posted in Meet the Money®

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Meet the Money kicks off Monday!!! And we have a way to help you stay connected . . .

twitter-button2.jpgSocial media can help you connect with conference delegates, speakers and sponsors, making it easy to follow up afterward and continue talking about deals and opportunities. Use the hashtag (a simple way to group posts about the same topic) #MTM2011 in any of your tweets about the conference to let us know what you’re thinking about–what presentations and ideas you find useful, what you’ll be applying to your transactions in the next few years, and how you’re interpreting the research our experts have compiled. Join the conversation! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

For more information about Meet the Money® 2011, visit

Published on:

31 March 2011

Debt and equity financing for hotels is back! Hotel transactions are rolling again!

And the Global Hospitality Group® of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) has announced the 2011 Meet the Money® hotel finance conference to explore the latest opportunities in the capital stack with “Bridging the Gap and Facilitating the Flow of Capital.”

We hope you can join us May 2-4, 2011, at the Sheraton Gateway in Los Angeles for this important conference. Here is how to get all the information on time, place, program, speakers, and registration information. It is time to sign up now.


Published on:

09 May 2010

Hotel Lawyer with the latest information on hotel loan defaults, foreclosures, forebearances and distressed sales in California from the Atlas Hospitality Group.


Published on:

07 May 2010

Hotel Lawyer with the latest reports and forecasts on the economy, capital markets and global markets from industry leader presentations at JMBM’s 20th annual hotel conference — Meet the Money® 2010.

The close correlation between the economy and the hospitality industry provides a fascinating subject. Although it is somewhat intuitive that when the economy is growing and people are being hired, more is spent on travel, lodging and leisure . . . and the other way around.


Published on:

06 May 2010

Hotel Lawyer with industry leader presentations from JMBM’s 20th annual hotel conference — Meet the Money® 2010.

If you missed Meet the Money® this year, you missed one of the most timely, informative and exciting industry conferences. But you can still benefit from the wealth of information that was shared by industry experts, as we will make much of it available to you here, on the Hotel Law Blog.

So here is a start on what happened . . .


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