Articles Posted in Outlook and Trends

Published on:

15 January 2009

Jim Abrams brings decades of hotel experience and relationships to the team
Jim Abrams, a hotel industry leader and former CH&LA President, has joined JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group®. In addition to bringing decades of hotel experience and relationships to the team, he looks forward to contributing to the Group’s work on hotel management agreements, labor union and employment issues, and ADA issues, as well as expanding the Group’s capabilities in legislative and regulatory affairs.


Published on:

31 December 2008

Hotel Lawyers on lessons from The Crash of 2008.

2008 will go down as a terrible year in many regards. Global economies have come to the precipice of disaster. The Dow had its worst year since 1931 — down 34% for the year, representing the loss of more than $7 trillion in wealth. Many trillions more evaporated from the value of both residential and commercial real estate. Consumer confidence is at its lowest point since they began keeping records. The unthinkable has happened with the fallen pillars of Bear Stearns, Lehman, Merrill Lynch, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG. Even GE couldn’t sell its commercial paper until the Fed stepped in to buy it. And then there is Bernard Madoff who bilked some of the most sophisticated investors in the world out an estimated $50 billion.

What was wrong with the mortgage mess, CMBS meltdown and Madoff?


Published on:

17 December 2008

“Out of the Panic and into Opportunities of a Lifetime” Is Theme for the
19th Annual Meet the Money® Conference
Hotel Financing Summit Set for May 5-7, 2009

LOS ANGELES, Calif., December 16, 2008–With the recent announcement of a full-blown recession, officials of Meet the Money®, the annual hotel financing summit, today announced the theme for its 2009 conference: “Out of the Panic and into Opportunities of a Lifetime.” The 19th annual event will be held May 5-7, 2009, at the Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel near LAX in California.


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Hotel Lawyers | Authors of
19 November 2008
Hospitality Lawyer with updated thoughts from the latest commercial real estate finance program in San Francisco.

Many of my friends in the hotel industry are in denial. Others are consumed with the daily drama of the unfolding financial panic. I am excited that we are about to see some of the greatest financial opportunities of our lifetime.

Here are some thoughts that I presented yesterday as keynote speaker at the 6th Annual Bay Area Income Property Lending Conference.


Published on:

21 October 2008

Click here for the latest articles on Condo Hotels

Hospitality Lawyer on Condo Hotels. Do they work? Are they viable? What are the 5 biggest misconceptions about Condo Hotels?

“Condo Hotels” — they are a subject the media “loves to hate.” Everyone has an opinion about them — whether they know anything about them or not. JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® has worked on more than 100 hotel mixed-use projects in the last 5 years alone, most of them involving condo hotels or hotel condos. Funny. Almost all the ones JMBM’s hotel lawyers work on really “work” and don’t make the headlines.

So with all the critical (and often uninformed) press lately, it was really great to see Brent Howie of Provident Hotels & Resorts — one of the 30-year veterans of the condo hotel industry — write a “no nonsense” article de-bunking the 5 biggest myths about condo hotels. I thought I would share it with you and lend our endorsement to its theme (and to the kind of support Brent gives these projects). Brent Howie can be reached at 727-726-4770 or


Published on:

13 October 2008

Hospitality Lawyer with the latest update on the Financial Crisis or “Turbulence.”
A few days ago, some were calling the Dow’s 2,400 point collapse in 8 days a “crash” but others insisted that a “crash” requires a drop of 20% or more in a single day or two days. Therefore, they call the recent collapse in stock indexes a “cascading crash” or a “slow motion crash.” It was pretty fast for most of us, with a 1,000 point swing between high and low on Friday (October 10) — the first time that has happened in its 12-year history.


Published on:

8 October 2008

Hospitality Lawyer at the Hispanic Hotel Owners Association Inaugural Conference in Miami, Florida. WOW! Tonight was the opening of the Inaugural Annual Conference for the HHOA founded by Angela Gonzalez-Rowe. (See Hispanic Hotel Owners Association (HHOA) and Angela Gonzalez-Rowe talk with Hospitality Lawyer about HHOA’s exciting developments) This is a serious group of hotel investors, a focused gateway for the Hispanic community’s involvement in hotels, and a demographic segment that absolutely commands respect.


Published on:

3 October 2008

Hospitality Lawyer with insights from Warren Buffett on the Financial Crisis that has created an “economic Pearl Harbor.” After the Senate passed the Bailout Bill, he talked about what it takes to win the war of Financial Recovery. Buffett’s common-sense insights on the $700 billion financial system rescue package are great. Let’s hope our Government listens to the compelling logic of how to make this bailout work . . . and how we will all make out better.

I hope the U.S. Treasury and Congress are listening . . .


Published on:

01 October 2008

Hospitality Lawyers at JMBM don’t create economic cycles or events like the Panic of 2008, but we often help our clients and friends find the fortune-making deals or put a tourniquet on life threatening hemorrhaging for owners, developers, investors and lenders.

These times remind this hotel lawyer of some time-tested wisdom. Hetty Green, one of the world’s most successful investors who lived in the 19th century said, “Next to my children I love a good panic more than anything else.” And why would those words be relevant today? That is the penultimate question today at


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