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华人酒店和房地产投资法律顾问团队™ 是美国杰美百明律师所JMBM Global Hospitality Group® 中一支致力于酒店和高端房地产项目的专业律师团队。多年来,律师团队为华人在美国的投资保驾护航,提供最优质的法律服务。我们律师所已经为客户累计成交了总额高达870亿美元的酒店业务,涉及全球范围内3900处酒店。我们帮助华人投资者识别、分析、评估酒店和高端房地产机遇。同时,我们也可以为投资者寻求融资渠道。我们郑重承诺:为了保证我们的独立性,我们绝不从任何开发商收取中间人佣金、奖励费。

美国杰美百明律师所(JMBM很多知名客户悠久的合作历史,例如Regent Hospitality Group特朗普公司、迪士尼度假俱乐部、Hillwood Development (Ross Perot, Jr.)、美高梅金殿梦幻、达拉斯之城。

我们的银行客户包括 中国工商银行、汇丰银行、富国银行、华美银行、远东国民银行、德国北方银行、瑞典银行、加利福尼亚联合银行。

JMBM也在全球范围内代表很多酒店开发商和业主,包括美国W Hotels 以及 丽思卡尔顿Ritz-Carlton混合使用项目的最大的开发商和业主。

在过去的20多年中,我们律师团队专注于服务酒店业主、投资方、开发方和贷款方。我们经常与主要酒店品牌合作。这其中包括 万豪、希尔顿、喜来登 等60个品牌。其中不乏高端酒店,例如:四季酒店、东方文华酒店、费尔蒙、丽嘉、丽晶、万丽、洲际大酒店。


  • 晶华国际酒店(一家位于台湾的股份有限公司)收购丽晶大酒店(收购包括其全球范围内的品牌权和在亚洲、欧洲、中东和加勒比的酒店管理协议)

  • 深圳市新世界集团有限公司收购 喜来登环球酒店

  • 华人投资者投资W好莱坞酒店(包括特色夜店和Delphine 高档餐馆)


  • 发现和评估酒店和高端房地产的投资商机

  • 尽职调查

  • 买卖交易的洽谈

  • 债务和股权融资

  • 获得政府批准和许可

  • 税务规划


  • 商务合同和租赁协议的起草与审阅

  • 雇佣和劳动力事宜

  • 法律和税务事宜


  • 帮您联系高端酒店品牌(万豪国际、希尔顿、喜达屋、洲际酒店、凯悦、丽晶、半岛、四季酒店等等)

  • 帮您取得市场最佳的合同条款(例如酒店冠名权和管理协议)

  • 融资来源、施工经理人、运营者、品牌和专业顾问


  • EB-5项目实行可能性和尽职调查

  • 政府奖励,例如:新市场抵免所得税、再开发代理集资

  • EB-5区域中心

  • 确定目标雇佣区域

  • 创业要求

  • 确保州和当地政府对项目的支持

  • 涉及向EB-5投资人出售有限合伙利益企业的联邦证券法

  • EB-5投资项目的结构化事宜

  • EB-5投资项目市场合同的协商

  • EB-5贷方和其他贷方之间贷款(以及中间债权人协议)

华人酒店和房地产投资法律顾问集团™ 律师
我们律师所的邓威律师可以讲汉语。华人酒店和房地产投资法律顾问集团™ 的律师及其联系信息如下:


姓名 电子邮件 电话
Mark S. Adams +1 (949) 623-7230
Robert E. Braun +1 (310) 785-5331
Jim Butler +1 (310) 201-3526
Wei Deng +1 (310) 785-5371
Guy Maisnik +1 (310) 201-3588
Ben Reznik +1 (310) 201-3572
David A. Sudeck +1 (310) 201-3518



关于JMBM Global Hospitality Group®

JMBM Global Hospitality Group® 已经为客户累计成交了总额高达870亿美元的酒店业务,涉及全球范围内3900处酒店。欢迎访问www.HotelLawBlog.com联系全球顶尖酒店律师Jim Butler,电话+1 (310) 201-3526 电子邮件


Published on:

10 March 2011

Hotel Lawyer: JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® announces publication of The HMA Handbook, a practical guide for negotiating Hotel Management Agreements for Hotel Owners, Developers, Investors and Lenders

LOS ANGELES–The Global Hospitality Group® of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) today announced the release of The HMA Handbook, Hotel Management Agreements for Owners, Developers, Investors & Lenders. This e-book is a practical guide for decision makers who want pragmatic advice from veterans with business and legal perspectives on getting great hotel operators, negotiating a fair hotel management agreement (HMA), and terminating a bad one when the operator deserves it..

Co-authored by JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® Chairman, Jim Butler, and Partner and Senior Member of the Group, Robert E. Braun, The HMA Handbook draws on articles from JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog and is the second book in JMBM’s “We Wrote the Book” series. In the book’s Foreword, James J. Eyster, professor emeritus of hotel finance and real estate at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration refers to the authors as lawyers who “work at the highest levels and cutting edge of the industry”.


Published on:

23 February 2011

Important message about liability to hotel investors acquiring hotel assets and hotel owners renegotiating agreements with their operators:

Your hotel operator has most likely included indemnification provisions in the Hotel Management Agreement (HMA) designed to limit their liability for operating your hotel. On your operator’s draft of the HMA, it’s a good bet that a provision limiting YOUR liability does not exist in the agreement.

Don’t you think the liability limitations should be mutual? Here’s how to do it: the “”exculpation clause.”


Published on:

5 February 2011

Hotel Lawyer with more advice on Hotel Management Agreements, focusing on critical budget provisions.

For more than 20 years, the hotel lawyers of JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® have negotiated, renegotiated, litigated, arbitrated and advised hotel owners on more than 1,000 hotel management agreements. Negotiating the hotel management agreement (or HMA) is one of the most important things hotel owners will ever do for their hotel investment. A good HMA can add significant value to a hotel property – and a bad one can detract significant value, as well.

The HMA Handbook is coming soon! We think that the HMA is so important, that our next book in the “We Wrote the Book” series will focus entirely on the hotel management agreement and will include the many critical components needed to achieving an HMA that is good for the owner as well as the operator. We have included numerous articles on hotel management agreements in the Hotel Law Blog over the years (Click here to access all of them), but this is the first article we have presented on HMA budget provisions. You won’t want to miss it.


Published on:

06 October 2010


Contracts between hotel owners and managers (or operators) controlling the management of a hotel go by various names. They are called hotel management agreements, HMAs, hotel management contracts or hotel operating agreements. For convenient reference, this article will generally use the term “Hotel Management Agreement” or “HMA.” However all these terms can be used interchangeably and mean the same thing, just as with hotel operator or hotel manager.

Whatever they are called, Hotel Management Agreements allocate risk between the hotel manager and the hotel owner. They are critical in determining the profitability and value of a hotel.

Hotel Lawyer with a big tip on how to get a great hotel operator and a fair hotel management agreement — Why Hotel Owners Need HMA PRO™
For more than 20 years, hotel lawyers at JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® have helped hotel owners find the best hotel operators for their properties and get fair hotel management agreements. Our clients get better results because of our experience gained in negotiating, re-negotiating, litigating, arbitrating and advising on more than 1,000 hotel management agreements and more than $87 billion of hotel transactions.

Our experience has has taught us that the traditional Request for Proposal or RFP process used to get hotel operators is too passive and ineffective. By its very nature, a “mere” RFP suggests that the owner should just wait for whatever an operator might propose, and that is simply not in the best interest of either the owner or the prospective operator.
HMA PRO™ is JMBM’s ultimate refinement of the old standby RFP. We started with the typical hotel industry RFP process still used by knowledgeable hotel consultants today, but we made some critical changes that have produced stunning results for our clients, greatly enhancing the value of the owner’s hotel.
Here’s how it works . . .


Published on:

25 June 2010


Hotel Operating Agreement, HOA, Hotel Management Agreement, HMA, Hotel Management Contract, Management Contract. Hotel Operator, Hotel Manager, Hotel Owner. RFP for Hotel Manager. RFP for Hotel Operator, How to get a great hotel operator.


Contracts between hotel owners and managers (or operators) controlling the management of a hotel go by various names. They are called hotel management agreements, HMAs, hotel management contracts or hotel operating agreements. For convenient reference, this article will generally use the term “Hotel Management Agreement” or “HMA.” However all these terms can be used interchangeably and mean the same thing, just as with hotel operator or hotel manager.

Whatever they are called, Hotel Management Agreements allocate risk between the hotel manager and the hotel owner. They are critical in determining the profitability and value of a hotel.

Hotel Lawyer with hotel management agreement performance standard to take care of Owner’s concerns. With experience gained in negotiating, re-negotiating, litigating, arbitrating and advising on more than 1,000 hotel management agreements and more than $87 billion of hotel transactions, the members of JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® wanted to share some lessons learned on the subject. They are all available at

To see the rich library of materials on Hotel Management Agreements, you can click here: Hotel Management Agreements ( Or you can just do a GOOGLE search on “hotel management agreements” and you will see it near the top of the search.


Published on:

23 June 2010


Hotel Operating Agreement, HOA, Hotel Management Agreement, HMA, Hotel Management Contract, Management Contract. Hotel Operator, Hotel Manager, Hotel Owner. RFP for Hotel Manager. RFP for Hotel Operator, How to get a great hotel operator.


Contracts between hotel owners and managers (or operators) controlling the management of a hotel go by various names. They are called hotel management agreements, HMAs, hotel management contracts or hotel operating agreements. For convenient reference, this article will generally use the term “Hotel Management Agreement” or “HMA.” However all these terms can be used interchangeably and mean the same thing, just as with hotel operator or hotel manager.

Whatever they are called, Hotel Management Agreements allocate risk between the hotel manager and the hotel owner. They are critical in determining the profitability and value of a hotel.

Hotel Lawyer with more on HMA performance standards — the typical Operator clause. This article is one of a series of articles focusing on Hotel Management Agreements or HMAs as they are often called. If you have missed some of the extensive ground covered here before, stop by, particularly at Hotel Management Agreements.

In the last article, we talked about Hotel Management Agreement performance standards and why they matter. Today, we will analyze a typical Operator form of performance standard, and later we will look at a model better suited to an Owner’s interests.


Published on:

21 June 2010


Hotel Operating Agreement, HOA, Hotel Management Agreement, HMA, Hotel Management Contract, Management Contract. Hotel Operator, Hotel Manager, Hotel Owner. RFP for Hotel Manager. RFP for Hotel Operator, How to get a great hotel operator.


Contracts between hotel owners and managers (or operators) controlling the management of a hotel go by various names. They are called hotel management agreements, HMAs, hotel management contracts or hotel operating agreements. For convenient reference, this article will generally use the term “Hotel Management Agreement” or “HMA.” However all these terms can be used interchangeably and mean the same thing, just as with hotel operator or hotel manager.

Whatever they are called, Hotel Management Agreements allocate risk between the hotel manager and the hotel owner. They are critical in determining the profitability and value of a hotel.

Hotel Lawyer with some practical tips on hotel management contract performance standards. Interest has recently spiked in getting new hotel management agreements (HMAs) or re-negotiating existing ones. It seems that some investors buying distressed properties are looking to rebrand and get new hotel operators. Some lenders are too as they take over troubled assets.

That makes this seem like a good time to remind everyone about the wealth of information on this subject at, particularly at Hotel Management Agreements.


Published on:

6 April 2009
Ask the Hotel Lawyer™: What can we learn from the bedbug story? Bedbugs have plagued the hospitality industry for centuries and seem to be making a resurgence.

But there is an iconic story about a “bedbug letter” which is also instructive on the importance of treating people with respect and dignity, and the embarrassment (and financial costs) “important people” can cause to their colleagues and their companies when they forget these lessons.

Here’s the story, as told by Hotel Lawyer Robert Braun for readers, and a real life lesson from last week.


Published on:

26 October 2008

Hotel Operating Agreement, HOA, Hotel Management Agreement, HMA, Hotel Management Contract, Management Contract. Hotel Operator, Hotel Manager, Hotel Owner. RFP for Hotel Manager. RFP for Hotel Operator, How to get a great hotel operator.


Contracts between hotel owners and managers (or operators) controlling the management of a hotel go by various names. They are called hotel management agreements, HMAs, hotel management contracts or hotel operating agreements. For convenient reference, this article will generally use the term “Hotel Management Agreement” or “HMA.” However all these terms can be used interchangeably and mean the same thing, just as with hotel operator or hotel manager.

Whatever they are called, Hotel Management Agreements allocate risk between the hotel manager and the hotel owner. They are critical in determining the profitability and value of a hotel.

Hospitality Lawyer on how SNDAs or Subordination Agreements affect the value, financeability, and collateral value of a hotel.

As we mentioned recently, Bob Braun and I decided to create a series of articles about Hotel Management Agreements or HMAs as hospitality industry veterans often call them. (See “Hotel Management Agreements 201 by Hospitality Lawyer – Indemnification Provisions“). The successful matching of the brand and operator with your hotel can be one of the most important factors controlling your hotel’s value, liquidity, financeability and operational success. Many owners do not realize how important the HMA is until it is too late. That’s why the Hospitality Attorneys at JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® — who focus on representing hotel owners, developers and lenders — decided to share some important lessons we have learned over the years in working on many hundreds of Hotel Management Agreements — probably more than 1,000.

If you are about to explore looking for a hotel operator for your hotel project, have a new hotel management agreement in your future, or have issues with an existing HMA, you will find important information under the “Hotel Management Agreements” TOPIC — one of the tabs at the top — at You might also check out the resources listed at the end of this article.


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