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Meet the Money® 2014

ADA defense and compliance

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Workouts, bankruptcies & receiverships

Hotel Management Agreements

Hotel Franchise & License Agreements

Hotel industry trends

This is Jim Butler, author of www.HotelLawBlog.com and hotel lawyer. Please contact me at Jim Butler at jbutler@jmbm.com or 310.201.3526.

Published on:

9 February 2009

Hotel Lawyers contemplating the cleanup ahead. Today and tomorrow may either mark a turning point for economic recovery or just another ledge we bounce off before we plunge into a deeper abyss.


Published on:

6 February 2009

Hotel Lawyers: It’s not getting any better yet. The New York Times announced this morning that almost 600,000 jobs were lost in January 2009, bringing total unemployment in the U.S. to 7.6%, the highest level in 16 years. The government also revised estimates of job losses for prior periods, adding another 400,000 job losses to prior estimates.

This brings the total job losses since December 2007, when the recession began, to more than 3.6 million jobs. Just to put that in perspective, the 2007 census said the entire population of Los Angeles was only 3.8 million people. So our job losses over the last 13 months are now almost as big as the City of Los Angeles.

What are the ramifications of that for the hospitality industry?


Published on:

5 February 2009

Hotel Lawyers at “The conference of doom and gloom”

The ALIS conference this year was as glum as I can recall. You would have to go back to 1991 and 1992 at the old UCLA and NYU conferences to find a similar mood. Compared to the record attendance of more than 3,200 at last year’s ALIS conference, the attendance of 1,700 was a good showing, but obviously reflected a lot of cutbacks.


Published on:

4 February 2009

Hotel lawyer in Beverly Hills at the ULI “Reinventing Retail and Mixed-Use” program, the Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills, California, February 4-5, 2009. The Urban Land Institute’s big retail conference is underway and one of the lead off panels had some great information about why hotels are being added to retail mixed-use projects.


Published on:

2 February 2009

Hotel Lawyers with the pulse of the hotel industry from ALIS. Mark Woodworth of PKF Consulting shared his latest analysis of the hotel industry with us, as well as his slides from the ALIS conference. The picture is not pretty. Mark says, that if you’re waiting for the recovery, the key word is “PROTRACTED.” Here are the details.


Published on:

15 January 2009

Jim Abrams brings decades of hotel experience and relationships to the team
Jim Abrams, a hotel industry leader and former CH&LA President, has joined JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group®. In addition to bringing decades of hotel experience and relationships to the team, he looks forward to contributing to the Group’s work on hotel management agreements, labor union and employment issues, and ADA issues, as well as expanding the Group’s capabilities in legislative and regulatory affairs.


Published on:

6 January 2009

Click here for the latest articles on ADA Compliance and Defense.

An important ADA sweep has been launched — a development involving the Americans with Disabilities Act — and there are important, cost-effective steps a prudent owner or operator can take now to solve unnecessary problems. We expect more ADA Sweeps soon. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound a cure.

Here is what this is all about. . .


Published on:

5 January 2009

Please see “troubled hotel loans – workouts, bankruptcies & receiverships” for the latest articles on troubled hotels.

Restructuring distressed hotels . . . hotel debt . . . and workouts of troubled hotel loans for profit opportunities now. Hotel lawyers on hotel turnarounds, workouts, restructurings, bankruptcies and opportunistic investment.

JMBM’s hotel bankruptcy lawyers and hotel workout teams are getting busy as the fallout from the global economic crisis hits the hospitality industry. In addition to traditional bankruptcy, workouts, turnarounds and receivership, we are finding a lot of interest in JMBM’s SAVE® Program, and expect a big roll out in 2009. You may want to check that out!

Otherwise, here is another useful tool for the SAVE® Program tool chest of techniques to help Lenders, Borrowers, and Investors with distressed hotel loans and hotel assets. We call it the Enhanced Note Sale™.


Published on:

4 January 2009

Recent ADA Guidelines and the Target case provide a big wakeup call to the hotel industry for its internet “channel” of distribution. When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted by Congress in July 1990, the Internet was in its infancy and few, if any, considered its applicability to cyberspace. But a settlement of a cyberspace lawsuit in a major case on the issue pending in Federal Court stands to set a precedent with far reaching implications for the hotel industry as well as the nation’s retailers.


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