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Hotel Lawyers -- featured subjects and articles
Meet the Money® 2014

ADA defense and compliance

EB-5 financing

Workouts, bankruptcies & receiverships

Hotel Management Agreements

Hotel Franchise & License Agreements

Hotel industry trends

This is Jim Butler, author of www.HotelLawBlog.com and hotel lawyer. Please contact me at Jim Butler at jbutler@jmbm.com or 310.201.3526.

Published on:

9 May 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.

JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group®  hosted the 30th edition of Meet the Money® national hotel conference on May 1-3, 2023. Alongside investment boot camps and insightful discussion panels, the conference featured several exciting special presentations interpreting the latest data and industry sector highlights. In Part 2 of this blog series, we highlight the special presentations given by Romy Bhojwani and Ryan Meliker.

Romy Bhojwani, Director, Hospitality Market Analytics of CoStar Group, continued the first day of presentations with an examination of new trends in lodging industry fundamentals. He described strong and growing demand, with some weakness in luxury ADR.

Bhojwani expects a mild recession in the second half of 2023, but predicts that the travel industry will remain largely unaffected due to the prioritization of travel for households and hybrid work driving new sources of hotel demand. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

8 May 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.

JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® recently hosted the 30th edition of Meet the Money® national hotel conference. Alongside investment boot camps and insightful discussion panels, the conference featured several exciting special presentations interpreting the latest data and industry sector highlights.

Lodging Industry SWOT Analysis

Daniel Lesser, President & CEO of LW Hospitality Advisors, kicked things off with a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of the U.S. lodging industry in 2023.

Some of the notable strengths and opportunities discussed were the strong uptick in demand for travel both domestically and internationally, the availability of refinancing, acquisition and construction financing proceeds, innovative new offerings for consumers and a market prime for investment. Weaknesses and threats included difficulty securing financing, increasing operating costs and supply chain issues, visa backlogs and economic uncertainty.

The slides below demonstrate the promising airline passenger volume which may provide increased opportunities for hotels, and the potential for innovation within the industry. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

4 May 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.

The 30th edition of Meet the Money® 2023 national hotel finance and investment conference was held May 1 – 3, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency LAX. Some very insightful and informative presentations were made at the conference about the national economy, the national and California hotel markets, the latest version of the ISHC’s CapEx study, the Lodging Industry Investment Council’s Top 10, and three different views of the lodging industry’s performance and prospects.

To download these free presentations, please go to www.hotellawyer.com, click on the RESOURCE tab of the website, and then scroll down and select “Hotel Industry Publications.”

Or you can just click here to get the following presentations from the Meet the Money® conference: CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

13 April 2023

Meet the Money®, the national hotel finance and investment conference, returns for its 30th year on May 1-3, at the Hyatt Regency LAX. Attendees can look forward to three days of deal-making, networking, and high-level presentations from some of the best-known names in the hospitality industry.

Meet the Money brings speakers, sponsors, and attendees together in an environment big enough to attract industry leaders, but small enough for meaningful and productive in-person meetings, where the focus is business and investment.

“After a few years of upheaval, we see a real chance for companies and executives in all corners of the hospitality industry to reset and look at new players, new capital, and new deals with fresh eyes,” said Jim Butler, conference chairman and Chairman of the JMBM Global Hospitality Group®. “There are plenty of opportunities out there for those who seek them – and Meet the Money is a great place to start looking.”

Program Highlights

This year’s program will open with a pair of two-hour Investment Boot Camp sessions: one focused on finding opportunities and creating value in distressed properties, and a second session for anyone who wants to understand, evaluate and tap into EB-5 financing.

Each day of the conference includes spotlights presentations by industry experts on the state of the hotel industry, both nationally and in California, as well as an important new landmark study on the CapEx needs of hotels. Presenters will include representatives from HVS, LWHA, CoStar, LARC, Gallagher, and Atlas Hospitality. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

5 April 2023

The energy is building as we prepare for Meet the Money’s return in May! Our registrants can look forward to an exciting conference structured around networking, dealmaking, and gathering insight from the industry’s best minds.

There are plenty of opportunities in today’s hospitality industry for those seeking them, and Meet the Money is an ideal place to start looking. Who will you meet, and what possibilities will you find?

Hotel owners, operators, developers, lenders and investors will come together at this year’s conference to build networks, resolve challenges, find financing, and make deals, with access to discussions led by the industry’s top advisors. Take a look at the list below to see who’s coming to Los Angeles in May.

Shouldn’t you be on this list? Register today! You can find out more information on MeetTheMoney.com, or go directly to registration here.

Meet the Money 2023 Participants


Published on:

23 March 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.

The Meet the Money program is now available on MeetTheMoney.com – take a look and see who’s speaking and what topics they’ll be exploring.

Meet the Money speakers don’t just come to the conference to share their perspectives; they also come to network with attendees. You can develop relationships, explore partnerships and ask questions one-on-one with our expert panelists and presenters, setting up opportunities that will take you through 2023 and beyond.

This year’s program will include:

  • Investment boot camps covering distressed properties and the renewed opportunity of EB-5
  • Special presentations interpreting the latest data and industry sector highlights
  • Discussion panels featuring insight into acquisitions and repositioning, creative financing, hotel transactions, alternative hospitality, lifestyle and boutique concepts and more


Published on:

21 March 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.
Click here for the latest articles on Data Technology, Privacy & Security.

Data privacy and security continue to be significant issues for hotel owners, operators, brands, and managers, representing the potential for both financial and reputational impacts. One important piece of the puzzle is which of the many entities involved in a hotel property is responsible for collecting, sharing, using and storing the personal data of guests and employees.  Bob Braun, senior member of JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® and Co-Chair of the Firm’s Cybersecurity & Privacy Group, gives an overview of current considerations.



Data Security and Privacy in Hospitality – Who’s Paying the Bill?
by Robert Braun, Co-Chair, JMBM Cybersecurity and Privacy Group;
Senior Member, JMBM Global Hospitality Group


One of the most valuable assets of a hotel brand is information – detailed personal information about guests at their hotels, participants in their loyalty programs, and visitors to their websites. This information allows hotel brands to focus on creating guest loyalty, acquiring potential guests, engaging in effective marketing, expanding market share, and creating properties and services that entice and satisfy hotel guests. Because of this, hotel brands have long contended that they “own” hotel guest data and have unencumbered rights to use it, without respect to the interests of hotel owners and even the guests themselves.

While this attitude may have been correct in the past, the world is changing. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, the California Consumer Protection Act, the California Privacy Rights Act, and similar laws throughout the United States and the world have turned this idea on its head. Anyone who collects personal data can do so only with the permission of the individual consumer; brands don’t own the personal information of guests, the guests do, and they are the ones who give the operator, brand or owner the right to collect and use it – and they can limit or revoke that right. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

14 March 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.
Click here for the latest articles on C-PACE Financing.

The Global Hospitality Group of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) is pleased to announce the completion of $172 million in C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing transactions for the year 2022. This total includes over $97 million in hotels and condos, more than $58 million in multifamily, and $16 million in senior living facilities.

C-PACE is a low-cost, nonrecourse financing that creates a lien on the real property and is repaid through property taxes. It first emerged as a technique for funding energy-efficiency improvements and has developed into a widely-accepted and practical solution to financing new construction and improvements across all real estate classes.

C-PACE has remained an available and attractive option for financing new construction projects as more traditional financing has been negatively impacted by rising interest rates and the current economic environment. Led by Partner David A. Sudeck, the Group counsels lenders in these transactions and represents some of the leading names in PACE financing. Since 2020, David and his team have been involved in over $400 million in C-PACE loans. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

22 February 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.
Click here for the latest on labor and employment guidance.

A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit held on February 15, 2023, that the Federal Arbitration Act preempts a California law designed to prevent employers from requiring workers to sign mandatory arbitration agreements. This decision is consistent with a long line of State and Federal cases, and is expected to have a significant impact on employment practices in the state, including hotels and everyone in the hospitality industry.

Appeals court blocks California bar
on mandatory arbitration for workers

by JMBM’s Labor & Employment Group

On February 15, 2023, a federal appeals court blocked a California law that prohibited employers from requiring their workers to resolve legal disputes in private arbitration.

A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco in a 2-1 decision held that the law cannot be enforced because it conflicts with federal arbitration law. This ruling hands an important victory to business groups and employers across the state. CONTINUE READING →

Published on:

16 February 2023

See how JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® can help you.

We’re excited to announce that Meet the Money®, the national hotel finance and investment conference, is back on May 1-3, 2023, for its 30th year! Join us for three days of deal-making, networking, and high-level presentations at the Hyatt Regency LAX in Los Angeles, California.

Meet the Money is the Goldilocks of hospitality industry conferences – big enough to attract the executives and leaders you want to meet with, and small enough to create a friendly and approachable environment for one-on-one networking between speakers, sponsors and attendees.

Our goal at Meet the Money is to connect you with the people you want to do business with, whether you’re a hotel owner, developer, investor, advisor, brand, lender, or other capital source. We gather hotel industry thought-leaders to provide you with the insights, analysis, and forecasts that will help you plan for success. Our sponsors, speakers and attendees are some of the best-known names in the industry; will you seize the opportunity to see where these connections can take you?


Registration is now open! You can snag your spot at Meet the Money here.

You can also join our mailing list to get updates on our program, speakers, and accomodations.

Conference FAQs

Is Meet the Money for you? We think it is! Here’s some useful information help you decide.

Who attends Meet the Money?
Our attendees are hotel owners, developers, investors, lenders, operators, advisors, consultants, brands, lenders and other capital providers.

What makes our conference different?
Meet the Money is a hospitality industry conference focused on bringing industry leaders together to make deals and connections. It’s a productive, exciting environment for one-on-one networking between speakers, sponsors and attendees.

How much is registration?
Registration for Meet the Money 2023 is $1,150 per attendee.

What does registration include?
Registration includes:

    • All general sessions, special presentations and networking events during the three-day conference, including our Monday afternoon Investment Boot Camp
    • All conference materials, with attendee list provided on-site
    • Tuesday night’s Grand Welcome Reception
    • Meals during the program on Tuesday and Wednesday

What’s on this year’s program?
A full agenda of general session panels and special presentations will be available on MeetTheMoney.com soon; right now, you can take a look at our overview to get a sense of each day’s schedule. Stay tuned for updates on speakers and panel topics!

Who do I contact if I have questions, or if I’m interested in speaking or sponsoring?
Please reach out to Doreen Filice Gabel, DFilice@jmbm.com.

About Meet the Money®

For 30 years, Meet the Money® has created an energetic environment to forge relationships, negotiate deals, and gain an in-depth understanding of hotel investment and finance. Our national hotel conference attracts heavy hitters and offers an opportunity for productive, one-on-one networking with them. For updates and more information, visit www.MeetTheMoney.com.

Picture of Jim ButlerThis is Jim Butler, author of www.HotelLawBlog.com and founding partner of JMBM and JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group®. We provide business and legal advice to hotel owners, developers, independent operators and investors. This advice covers critical hotel issues such as hotel purchase, sale, development, financing, franchise, management, ADA, and IP matters. We also have compelling experience in hotel litigation, union avoidance and union negotiations, and cybersecurity & data privacy.

JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group® has been involved in more than $125 billion of hotel transactions and more than 4,700 hotel properties located around the globe. Contact me at +1-310-201-3526 or jbutler@jmbm.com to discuss how we can help.

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